Sunday 11 October 2015



1.Describe the ways in which the Buddha tried to spread his message to the people.
Buddha tried to spread the message in the following manner:

1.    He taught in the ordinary language, Prakrit, so that it could be understood by all the people.
2.    He travelled on foot, going from one place to another, teaching people.
3.    His teachings were simple, and so was his life. This set an example for the rest.
4.    He encouraged people to think for themselves instead of just accepting what others told them.
2.Write whether true of false:

(a) The Buddha encouraged animal sacrifices.
(a) False.
(b) Sarnath is important because it was the place where the Buddha taught for the first time.
(b) True.
(c) The Buddha taught that karma has no effect on our lives.
(c) False.
(d) The Buddha attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya.
(d) True.
(e) Upanishadic thinkers believed that the atman and brahman were ultimately one.
(e) True.
3. What were the Teachings of Buddha?
  1. Buddha taught that life is full of sufferings and unhappiness caused by our cravings and desires which often cannot be fulfilled.
  2. He asked to follow moderation in everything and to remove constant craving or thirst (tanha)
  3. He taught people to be kind and respect the lives of others, including animals.
  4. He believed that the results of our actions (karma) affect us both in this life and the next.
He encouraged the people to think for themselves and just not accept what he said.

4. What were the Teachings of Mahavira?

Mahavira taught living a simple life and was against rituals and animal sacrifice.
 His teachings are known as the tri-ratnas.

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